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PCStation: 電腦1週 Issue 990 - Page 57 - Google Books Result

【对比性使用心得体会】今天下午,我试了汉王文本王,汉王OCR 8.0,清华Th-ocr 9.0,丹青OCR4.5, abbyy finereader, Readiris Corporate 14等等国内外文字识别软件,dpi在300或600的同一页灰度扫描,觉得omnipage 18 效果最好。 OmniPage 18 biedt nu directe toegang tot cloud-services, zoals Microsoft Live SkyDrive, Google Documenten,, Evernote, Dropbox en meer. De meegeleverde Nuance Cloud Connector, verzorgd door Gladinet, integreert rechtstreeks met Microsoft Windows met behulp van een zogenaamd cloud-station dat altijd actief is. How can you get the document into the format you want without having to do extensive re-typing or re-editing?Now the answer is OmniPage Professional 18. This Jun 19, 2020 · OmniPage.exe, OmniPage17.exe, OmniPage18.exe, ScannerWizard.exe or OpAgent.exe are the common file names to indicate this program's installer. The most popular versions of the OmniPage are 19.0, 18.0 and 17.1. This program was originally designed by Nuance Communications, Inc.

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OmniPage 18 biedt de snelste en meest nauwkeurige conversie van papieren documenten, pdf-bestanden en zelfs digitale foto’s naar documenten die je kunt bewerken in je favoriete pc-programma’s. OmniPage biedt ongeëvenaarde nauwkeurigheid, snelheid en innovatieve functies. OmniPage is an OCR software, meaning that it could scan a printed page, but also recognize the text on a digital file. It lets you scan pages in over 120 languages, far Eastern alphabets included. OmniPage can detect so crisply your text because it uses a 3D correction: so it can easily ignore punch-holes and clean borders and text.

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