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Look back on the classic 1966 Mustang and the many features that made this model such a popular and enduring symbol of this classic sports car. Ford Motor Company There is no doubt that 1966 is one of the most popular Ford Mustang model yea Nov 18, 2013 — 2005 Mustang Convertible Technical Specifications. GT. V-6. BODY. Construction. Unitized welded steel body, aluminum hood. Unitized Oct 15, 2020 — Women like Mustangs. Something about this sporty coupe results in nearly 55 percent of V-6 Mustangs being driven by females. For some reason May 28, 2005 — Lowering the top of the 2005 Mustang GT doesn't mean lowering which comes with a computer-monitor-sized trunk-mounted subwoofer. i owned a2005 gt automatic, it wasn't a very good car, first off the auto trans was it liked to fill passenger compartment , cabin air filter and right kick panel ecm
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